April 20, 2020 Meeting Minutes JHA
April 20, 2020, 2:00 P.M.
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Charles Griggs, Jonathan McGowan, Harriet Brock, Susan Verbeck, Roslyn Phillips
STAFF PRESENT: Dwayne Alexander, Heather Brigida, Rhonda Lattimore, Nella Castiov, Linda Sims, Cathy Hunt, Daniel Mitchell, Evann Morris, Colene Orsini, Denis Lohr
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Charles Griggs called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
Dwayne Alexander recited a opening statement for virtual public meeting. (Opening statement available by request)
Barbara Sanchez, Brentwood Resident wanted to commend Mr. Alexander for his leadership since he has been interim CEO. She invited board members to tour Brentwood and speak to some of the residents and to the RMC (Resident Management Corp.). Robin Mason gave comments on the resident atmosphere of feeling free to talk to Mr. Alexander about housing issues. She feels he is doing an amazing job as interim. During previous years, housing inspections would pass inspections with down cabinets or other major issues this went on for seven years. Now, if there's issue it's taken care of immediately. He interacts with residents listen to concerns. She feels confident that any scattered sites issues that are raised through Mr. Alexander they will be dealt with immediately.
Lawsikia Hodge commented through the chair if there were any email public comments received.
The Chair requested a motion to approve the minutes of February 18, 2020. Jonathan McGowan made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Harriet Brock seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved by the Board of Commissioners.
Dwayne Alexander reported on the Public housing and Housing Choice Voucher Programs. He presented a screen shot of his report. We have implemented a PH waiver that no late fees will be charged for rent collection beginning in March and April. Jonathan McGowan asked if waiving late charges/fees is within the CEO's authoritative power. Roslyn Phillips asked if the action requires Board ratification or administrative approval level is acceptable. Lawsikia Hodge responded that she was not sure and would have to review documents to see how to execute, but believed it to be an administrative procedure in accordance to HUD allowance. The Chair asked for a motion to approve the waiver but not to exceed three month period, which at that time will revisit the decision to extend longer, if additional time is needed. Harriet Brock seconded the motion.
Lawsikia Hodge stated that the late fee item was not on the agenda as an item to be voted on, it requires public comments. There were no comments from the public. The Board of Commissioners unanimously ratified to approve the rent late fee waiver for three months.
Agency Financial Overview: Dennis Lohr, CFO
Dennis Lohr presented a virtual power point presentation of the agency's financials and answered questions as presented.
Presentation of Resolutions:
Resolution 2020-JHA-09: To approve the JHA Wide HVAC Maintenance Contract Renewal to W.W. Gay and All Care. The contract extended for four additional years. Roslyn Phillips made a motion to renew the contract; Harriet Brock seconded the motion. The Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the resolution.
Resolution 2020-JHA-10: To approve the Outsourced IT Infrastructure Services Contract Renewal to Enterprise Integration in the amount of $240,710.40. The Chair expressed concerns in working with a vendor outside of an expired contract and asked general council for an option. The contract expired March 15, 2020. Lawsikia Hodge responded that she didn't see a problem legal provisions are allowed for gap extensions in contracts. The Chair asked for a motion. John McGowan made a motion to approve the contract; Harriet Brock seconded the motion. The Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the resolution.
Resolution 2020-JHA-11: To approve the Property and Contents Insurance Contract Renewal beginning May 1, 2020 in the amount of $729,556.00. The Chair asked for a motion to approve. John McGowan made a motion to approve the contract; Harriet Brock seconded the motion. The Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the resolution.
Resolution 2020-JHA-12: To approve the Write-off of $25,531.63 in Delinquent Repayment Agreements Accounts Receivable. The Chair asked for a motion to approve. John McGowan made a motion to approve the Write-off; Harriet Brock seconded the motion. The Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the resolution
Resolution 2020-JHA-13: To approve the Write-off of $40,104.17 in Delinquent Public Housing Tenant Accounts Receivable. The Chair asked for a motion to approve. John McGowan made a motion to approve the Write-off; Harriet Brock seconded the motion. The Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the resolution.
Resolution 2020-JHA-14: To approve the Operating Budget Revision for JHA's Fiscal Year 2020. Discussion was made on the revision:
Dwayne Alexander explained the purpose for the budget revision by referring to the spread sheet. Revision included: Department of labor mandatory salary increases, 5% annual employee salary increase and Housing Choice Voucher Inspection's vehicle purchases. He added the 5 vehicle purchases will, eventually, in a short period of time, pay for the cost of mileage reimbursement. Each vehicle will be equipped with a program tracker for timely inspections, better customer service, increase efficiency and increase productivity to our clients. Roslyn Phillips commented of the benefit effect it had on the City with having fleet vehicles for employees. Jonathan McGowan asked why wasn't the purchase of vehicles presented to the Board prior to it being submitted as a budget revision. Dwayne Alexander responded that any major change to the approved budget should require board approval, even though cost of the vehicles would have fallen within the CEO's approval range of $150,000. Jonathan McGowan asked if there is a back log on housing inspections. Dwayne Alexander responded there is no back log; however response time could be better. The Chair asked for a motion to approve the budget revision. Harriet Brock made a motion to approve. Roslyn Phillips seconded the motion. The Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the budget revision resolution.
Executive Search Committee
Susan Verbeck presented a verbal CEO search of the committee's recommendation. Harriet Brock commented that it does not make since to continue to do a nationwide search because we have a qualified person in place. We, as the board have commended Mr. Alexander on his annual evaluation as Interim CEO and as Vice President. A search would be a waste of time and poor use of tax payers' dollars. Jonathan McGowan agreed that Mr. Alexander is doing a fine job and shares Ms. Brock's comments. However, he thinks because of the firing of the last CEO it is important that the agency conduct a search as part of a due diligence process. Recommendation from the committee was to hire a permanent CEO by June 30, 2020. The Chair supported the recommendation and asked for a motion to approve the following: Firm Gans & Gans, Assoc. to conduct the search. 2. Extend the hiring time to June 2020. Roslyn Phillips seconded the motion. The Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the committee's recommendation.
President's Report:
Dwayne Alexander first thanked all of staff for their timeless work effects during this crisis. He presented a screen shot of his report and showed an aerial picture view of Jax Beach redevelopment progress. Residents are expected to begin moving back in July. He reported two investors, Citibank and Bank of America, have stepped out of Hogan Creek RAD; however, other investors are being considered. HUD has currently approved more than waivers for 44 all housing authorities. He reported that the Cares Act Grant will allow us to recoup necessary supply cost as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Supply cost such as disinfectant spray, gloves, mask and sanitizing equipment, along with laptops and cell phones for work at home employees. The use of computer equipment purchased will go back to sites after work at home orders are over. UF Health has partnered with us to do free COVID-19 testing for residents at several of the sites as well as for employees. Elderly sites will be tested first. Roslyn Phillips asked if safety precautions are in place for employees. Harriet Brock responded that she has witnessed staff wearing gloves and mask while working. Dwayne Alexander confirmed and elaborated on additional safety protocols in place for staff.
Adjourned: 3:35 p.m.