May 2020 Comment 1
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May 18, 2020
Greetings Members of the Board,
I have several questions, but I am not sure from which forum these questions will be answered. Does one exist?
It is nice to have a platform where public concerns can be heard but that is different from having a conversation where ideas and information can be exchanged.
So, I guess my first question is, "Is it the Board's decision not to answer the questions asked by the JHA's residents?" What is the purpose of having public comments if no one will respond to them or even take into consideration what is said?
I've shared my thoughts on Mr. Alexander's capabilities as a CEO. I have talked to other RMC presidents and secretaries and I have heard the testimonies on how conditions and issues were fixed, changed and repaired. Which brings me to the next question, "What is Mr. Alexander NOT DOING in the eyes of the Board that makes you feel it has to look elsewhere?" What changed that makes the Board want to initiate a Worldwide search? Has he committed fraud or mismanaged funds? I'm curious, does he have some indiscretions that would compromise the integrity of the Jacksonville Housing Authority?
I feel the Board knows something about Mr. Alexander and won't tell it. He has been investigated and I heard, not someone told me, but I heard the Investigating Attorney say' "The complaints against him are unwarranted. And perhaps the insinuations are from a disgruntled employee." She could not find any reason to further the investigation.
I admired Mr. Alexander and his work ethics. And I stand with other RMC officers who chose to voice their opinion. I pray our opinion does not fall on death ears. I hope and pray that you (The Board) remember that it is the people you serve, and you will do what best serves the people; not your own agenda.
Barbara Sanchez
Resident President of Brentwood Lake Apt